Mr12volt Wireless Apple CarPlay Adapter
The S8 has almost everything I would ever need from a car…except one thing
Apple freakin’ CarPlay
Yes, I tried mounting the phone on the dash and using bluetooth, but it looked tacky and wrong just randomly sticking out of the dash.
After weeks of research, I landed on Mr12volt. Why you ask? Various forums will expel the virtues of generic adapters on alibaba but they all lack the fundamental item that makes Mr12volt worth it. Fiber Optic Audio Connection. If you value sound quality pumping through your expensive speakers…then a FO connection is not just recommended, it’s damn near a requirement.
After calling various audio shops for installation prices, which ranged from:
“Okay that’s a lot all the way to LOL are you kidding me?”
I sucked it up and did it myself. It was a relatively straight forward process. Just follow the various YouTube videos and you’re good to go. The only thing that was a pain just running the power wires through the HVAC controls, up to the MMI area and over to behind the glovebox to the Mr12volt unit. The one thing that scared me was what everyone on the interwebs warned about…the shoving everything in place.
The quad lock connector is huge from the factory, the problem is that you now have 2 quad lock connectors to deal with in a space that can barely hold one. Various methods are preached from guiding the wires with a screw driver, to having another person push the secondary connector aside, to just shoving the sh*t out of the CD player to click in place.
I chose the latter and believe it or not…it worked!
Snapped right in place.
The only thing not really discussed online is the microphone, you do have to run an external mic and I just fed it across the HVAC to rest on a not-so-noticable location, that is off to the side.
Other than that, it boots up faster than the stock MMI unit and the sound quality is crystal clear. If you use Lossless audio, then it’s unbelievably clear!